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Seeing the Plague of Learning  from Attention Problem

The plague of Logic thinking, Reading, Writing, Listening, Concentrating, Paitence, and Emotions may cause children learning disorders. If you do not face these problems, it may lead to "Dyslexia", "ADHD", "Tourette's syndrome" or "Asperger's Syndrome". From the knowledge of Brain Science, the main reason these learnings are plagued are accounted for a very low percentage in the brain, but once you ignore the seriousness, it may affect the brain's cognition and subsequently cause learning disabilities (even affecting personality development). Using the brain training method from an early age will reshape the unknown bad factors that have already been memorized by the brain. It has a very profound impact for future thinking patterns and emotion recognition.



  Indirect Effects of Lack of Attention


► Lack of interest in new things and unwillingness to try

 Unable to concentrate on a topic

► Often evade complex issues

 Procrastinate when facing problems that needs a lot of effort

► No sense of time and laziness   

► Seems indifferent towards everything and often has no opinion

► Fluctuating emotions and loses the temper unconsciously


   Lack of Attention


Unable to complete the task independently, easily distracted

Often forget of can not find things

Easily distracted with scattered thoughts

Careless and can not pay attention to details

Poor organization skills and unclear thoughts


  Learning Performance


Have dyslexia and easily miss out words

Rejects books with a lot of text and preference figures

Finds it difficult to transcribe from the blackboard,

  writes crooked and makes typos easily

Recites slowly and easily forgets the words or text

Often does not understand mathematic questions

and is not willing to take the time to understand.


  Oral Expression


Often does not understan others' wording or body language

Often says things wrong

Finds it difficult to understand puns and misunderstands others

Cannot wait for others to finish, very 

   eager to express their views

Bad writing ability, cannot express the words

   in their mind with an organized way


According to statistics, 90% of Primary and Secondary School Teachers say that Children's Attention is Now No Longer than 15 Minutes


According to relevant researches, the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is around 5~7% for school students; conservatively estimating the number at about 5 million students in the national education stage, at least 250,000 students are plagued with ADHD, meaning that every two to three children are hyperactive in class. The ratio  of school-age male and female children is about 9 to 1; at teenager stage, the ratio is about 2~3 to 1.

  Impulsive and Hyperactive Behavior


Shouting randomly and moving constantly

 Lack of strength control

Has no patience, is unable to wait

Cannot stop once excited

Runs around, cannot sit still

  Mood and Interpersonal


Often feels frustrated and misunderstood

Unable to respond in time when talking to others, feels a sense of inferiority

Prefers being alone than getting along with others

Emotionally unstable and often feels misunderstood by   others

Easily repeat words and have difficulties in emotion        control

  Action Behavior


Usually crashes or knocks things over while walking

Poor posture and balance

Cannot perform precision work and has               uncoordinated fingers

Not good at sports, has difficulties at catching              and throwing

Poor control, hands and brain are uncoordinated

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