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Brainwave Training Lesson - Beginner

Let the expert and teacher tell you how the brainwave training lesson was taught
Brainwave Zen Lamp - See the status of the Brainwave

Brainwave Training Lesson - Beginner


Let the chidren see their brainwave changes through the Brainwave Zen Lamp















Practice constantly and learn to control attention



Brainwave attention lesson have been divided into four different core themes, ever theme has a plurality of small chapters:


First Part - Meditation Practice

This part aims to teach the brain the relaxation method by making it recognize and remember the state of relaxation through exercises and meditation.


Second Part - Left and Right Brain Harmony

This section aims to obtain the best results of brain development in a relaxed state by harmonizing both sides of the brain through different left and right brain exercise.


Third Part -  Listening, Speaking and Writing Exercises

This section aims to train our listening, speaking and writing skills, so that our potential can be maximized while doing these things in a relaxed state. This is an important skill enhancement exercise. Please accept this training with a calm and open mind.


Fourth Part - Thinking Exercise

This section aims to train us to be able to seriously ponder problems, and at the same time meaningfully and effectively solve them while being in a comfortable, open, and relaxed state. As we master the relaxation techniques, problem solving will become easier. Even after a busy day’s work, our muscles, body, and soul can be kept in a relaxed state. This will not only be beneficial for your health, but will also greatly enhance the probability of finding a solution.


Please remember to maintain a cheerful mood during the exercises. Do not set the Zen lamp’s color change and the length of color lasting as your goal. The purpose of the exercise is to let your brain recognize and learn the feelings of relaxation and calmness. Regardless of whether the color of the lamp is violet or not, the brain will learn these relaxation and calmness techniques. Children can learn this skill and use it in different learning area, maximize their potential!

Observe the Brainwave - Use your attention to write calligraphy
Brainwave training just for children who are easily distracted


Self-exploration』- Try different methods to concentrate

『Observe by using eyes』- See your own color in the Zen Lamp

Self-awareness』- Memorize the methods to control attention                                          and achieve the colors that the teacher asked for

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