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.How is Brainwave measured?


There are neural synapses in the brain that will discharge a phenomenon when the brain is functioning. This discharge, however, is very weak, and there are lots of tissue between the neural synapses and the scalp. In order to collect these brain signals, "signal amplification" on the scalp is needed to be done, which is the radio amplifier in the picture below. The discharge signal will then be measured - which is the "Brainwave" that we have mentioned. Please refer to the two pictures and information below for the contents above.

















Q.Why can't I maintain a high level Attention and Relaxation?


This is because people have "Sympathetic and Parasympathetic" which is a kind of "Autonomic Nervous System". When your attention level is consistenly at a high level, Parasympathetic will start affecting you in order to avoid high attention levels which would cause mental overload. On the other side, when your attention level is too low, Sympathetic will come in effect and let you concentrate. This is how the brain balances itself.



Q.So can't I train my Attention and Relaxation, since the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic take effects?


The latest study overthrew the previous knowledge of the brain, and realized that the brain's cell will not wither as you age. This differs from the idea that brain cells will age then die, and it helped realize that the brain can be trained to be controlled by mind. The brain will always play its highest efficiency as long the training and stimulation are ongoing.



Q.Which Brainwave frequencies will affect the brain?


The β wave has to do with attention and the α wave with relaxation. The brainwaves are divided into four categories. Please refer to the simple explanation below:

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